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McIntyre: Defunding Planned Parenthood, real impacts on real babies

Here is ED Nick McIntyre's recent opinion piece in the Colorado Statesman regarding abortion funding in Colorado. CLICK HERE to read more on the Colorado Statesman website.

McIntyre: Defunding Planned Parenthood, real impacts on real babies

by Nick McIntyre on February 22, 2016

The raging debate on abortion in Colorado and throughout the United States is often unfocused, misinformed, and manipulated — especially by those whose financial and career interests are reliant on the abortion industry.

If this debate is to go anywhere productive, we must get one thing straight: defunding Planned Parenthood is about the abortion of innocent babies. Period. These babies will grow up to become doctors, innovators and leaders if just given the chance to make it out of the womb alive. The radical attempt by Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains to frame this debate in any other way is a disgusting manipulation of the peaceful and empathetic views of pro-life citizens.

What we do as responsible citizens in Colorado does affect real people — innocent children who can’t defend themselves. Who could be more worthy of protection than the most fragile of all human beings?

You can Google the story of the 13-year-old who received an abortion at Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains while escorted by her rapist, or the lack of basic medical regulation on clinics, but those stories are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Planned Parenthood’s crimes against humanity.

For pro-life citizens, defunding Planned Parenthood is rooted in our empathy as human beings and deep respect for rule of law. Is empathy not at the heart of who we are? Where is Planned Parenthood’s heart for children? Where is its perspective on American principles of freedom and liberty? And why are liberal politicians so quick to defend and even fund such a radical special-interest group?

Our state constitution prohibits any direct or indirect funding of abortion through taxpayer dollars (See Article 5, Section 50). This law was affirmed twice by Colorado voters and stands today. For 30 years, corrupted politicians in Colorado have decided that favors from special-interest lobbyists like Planned Parenthood are more important than our laws.

Because of this, Faith & Freedom Coalition of Colorado is spearheading a pending lawsuit against Planned Parenthood for using our tax dollars to fund abortion. Planned Parenthood can’t legally do it — even indirectly. Pro-life citizen groups like Faith & Freedom are utilizing the justice system to hold our government accountable to its own supreme document. It’s our duty as Americans to do so.

If you believe that a person in the womb is not worthy of being protected, especially when modern science confirms the humanity of the unborn, then our conversation can’t go further — we are already at a biological impasse and there is nothing more to say. But you better believe that we will do all we can within our legal framework to protect innocent children.

Everyone must heed our constitution, including Planned Parenthood, who refuses to acknowledge the millions of Coloradans who have deep, honorable and moral convictions. They aren’t looking out for the most vulnerable, they don’t respect others’ peaceful opinions, and they will do all they can to make sure that we continue to pay for their tragic agenda.

Our love and respect for our fellow citizens on this issue are more important than protecting any industry. And yes, Planned Parenthood is the major player in the abortion industry. Anyone can see how Planned Parenthood benefits from unrestricted abortion and the organization’s continued illegal government funding. Planned Parenthood has every incentive to protect its financial interests and ignore the interests of the innocent babies it harms.

As a millennial, it sickens me to see Planned Parenthood manipulate young people and callously attempt to strip the humanity from abortion. That is not the direction of our culture — and Planned Parenthood will no doubt one day find itself on the wrong side of history.

It is time we look at modern science in light of our own humanity to make decisions that are best for all Coloradans, especially those just trying to take their first breath of the Rocky Mountain air.

About Nick McIntyre

Nick McIntyre is executive director of the Faith & Freedom Coalition of Colorado. He lives in Denver.

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